The Magic of Color

Not only regarding candles or spells, color can play a roll in other aspects of life.  Each of these colors has it's own magical properties.  Some of these colors can be found below:

Red: Fertility, Sex, Passion, Love, Health, Physical Strength, Anger, Will, Courage, Leadership.

Orange: Stimulation of Energy, Ambition, Career Matters and the Law.

Yellow: Confidence, Happiness, Attraction, Charm, Persuasion, Imagination.

Green: Fertility, Success, Luck, Money, Prosperity, Ambition, Also Counteracts Greed and Jealousy, Physical Healing.

Blue: Honor, Loyalty, Peace, Truth, Tranquility, Wisdom, Astral Travel, Prophetic Dreaming, Protection During Sleep, Energy Healing.

Purple: Psychic or Magical Power, Healing Involving Power and the Aura, Success, Independence, Protection of the Home.

Brown: Location of Lost Objects, Improve Concentration, Telepathy, Protection of Pets and Familiars.

White: Meditation, Consecration Rituals, Initiation Rituals, Exorcism, Divination, Healing, Truth, Peace, Innocence, Clairvoyance, Spirituality.

Gray: Neutralize Negative Influences.

Black: Meditation, Banishing Evil or Negativity, Reversing Spells.

Silver: Get Rid Of Negativity, Encourage Stability, Initiation Rituals, Divination, Lunar Energy, The Goddess.

Gold: Attracting The Power Of The Cosmos, Solar Energy, The God.

Pink: Love, Friendship, Innocence, Femininity.